I recently came across an argument that caught my attention. A writer referenced an identity crisis that humanity is coming to.
What comes to your mind when someone asks, “What do you do?” For most of us, the automatic answer is to talk about our jobs.
I say the answer to that question should not be how you pay your taxes and bills.
For most people, the answer to that question should be the things you do in the hours outside your job. Unfortunately, a lot of people are stuck working jobs they hate while also not having anything to ‘do’. The caveat is people who work lifestyle jobs however even then, the ‘doing’ should be the essence of what brings satisfaction to them in that job. For example, an Art teacher who’s an excellent sculptor but does not have the patience to impart that knowledge to others versus an individual that is naturally gifted with the patience to impart knowledge to others but works as a bank teller.
Self fulfillment, is being able to answer the question “What do you do?” without talking about your 9-5.
Once again, keep the blue side up!